Football manager build training ground
Football manager build training ground

football manager build training ground football manager build training ground

“Telestration helps meetings flow and we won’t pause the footage unless we really need the players to take a particular point on board. One of the coaches will usually deliver the opposition meeting and they can draw on the screen using Tactic.

football manager build training ground

“I'll pull all that together into themes, trim it down to seven or eight minutes, distribute it to the coaches and then telestrate it for the players. A coach will watch an opposition game so I don’t have to watch three. I’m fortunate that our coaches are very good tech wise, because for me to do everything would be impossible. “I’ll make a 20, 25-minute organiser from the two opposition games I’ve watched, as well as one that a coach will have watched. "This will focus on the opposition's strengths and weaknesses and this is traditionally what we use Tactic for. “We will always do an opposition meeting and keep it to seven, eight minutes," Green explained. Telestration plays a key role in opposition analysis. "And on a tactical 11 v 11 day we’ll use training footage, showing the players clips to reinforce what we’ve been doing during the week."

Football manager build training ground